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Morning Seditionists

Marc Speaks!

Posted by pjsauter on December 21, 2005
Posted in Uncategorized  | 83 Comments

Well, he writes anyway. Since the last thread was getting lengthy, and since I figured a lot of folks would want to talk about the e-mail from Marc (if you didn’t get it, it was posted in the previous thread, I thought I’d add a new thread (of course, the last one is still available).

At any rate, it sounds promising, particularly for those within listening distance of KTLK, and for those of us who’ve had to podcast to get AAR anyway.

Hey Marc, my offer still stands if you want help with your webpage or blog.

Intelligent Design

Posted by pjsauter on December 21, 2005
Posted in Uncategorized  | 134 Comments

Well, the big news yesterday was that – gasp – you can’t teach Intelligent Design in science class because it isn’t fucking science :no: (I reckon it was better than reporting that the President of the United States has willfully and dliberately – and repeatedly – violated the US constitution). US District Court Judge John Jones referred to the “breathtaking inanity” of the school board in the town of Dover (which had already been given the boot by voters in November) .

The Judge took 139 pages to state that teaching intelligent design violated the “establishment clause” of the First Amendment to the Constitution.

He could have done it much more succinctly.

“Bill O’Reilly. Rush Limbaugh. Anne Coulter. Sean Hannity. Geroge W. Bush. Danny Goldberg. Intelligent Design? I don’t thiiiiiink so.”

Judge Jones said “it is ironic that several of these individuals, who so staunchly and proudly touted their religious convictions in public, would time and again lie to cover their tracks and disguise the real purpose behind the ID policy.”

I guess the judge hasn’t heard about the new, improved, Kristian movement: Fuck the poor, enrich the wealthy, kill the A-Rabs, lie to the people, save the fetus, starve the child.

Aint that what Jeebus would do?