Finally, Monday is here – I thought that damn weekend would never end. Now if these next five days will just hurry up and get over with.

You have to wonder if Israel is actually trying to make Hizbollah look good. Killing civilians in the age of the Internet and satellite TV (it’s one thing to kill kids and terrified families hiding in basements when you can just deny it, but to do it when video and photos can make it around the planet instantaneously just doesn’t make for a popular war) doesn’t seem like a good plan, and it certainly hasn’t made Israel any more secure, if the record number of rockets hitting Israel yesterday is any indication. And if there’s any truth to the reports that the US is egging Israel on in all of this (and I don’t see much reason to doubt it), well, here’s a suggestion for Ehud Olmert: whatever George W. Bush says, do the exact fucking opposite. Anybody who couldn’t find oil in Bharain, traded Sammy Sosa, and has fucked up everything he’s ever touched (including eating pretzels, fer chrissakes) is not then man to be taking advice from. Capice there, Ehud?

On the bright side, Pamela Anderson married Kid Rock, so there should be a new “honeymoon” video on the ‘net in a few days.

Well, at least it’s almost August. Hopefully the world will be a little safer with Bush in Crawford. I hear the Texas DEC has been busy stocking the “ranch” with brush.

Happy Monday.