Not much to say this morning (except don’t forget to tune in to the return of Mike Malloy on Nova M radio at 9PM EST tonight), Call For Changeso I’ll just make a dutiful plug for MoveOn’s “Call for Change” campaign, which will allow you to use your home computer and telephone to make calls to Democratic-leaning voters (in other words, you don’t have to cold call any Republican meanies) in order to help stimulate the GOTV effort. According to Eli Pariser:

Basically, it allows people to log onto from their home computers and then phone target voters in the 30+ top House and Senate races around the nation. Our goal is to make 5 million phone calls to inconsistent voters who lean Democratic – we recently passed 1.5 million.Our members chipped in millions to allow MoveOn to buy the most up-to-date lists, acquire consumer data, and use micro-targeting to ensure that every call is maximized. We used the Busby and Lamont campaigns to test our program and make it a good user experience. After Busby, a Yale study compared our phone program to others and found that it boosted turnout the most.

Part of the reason we designed the program the way we did was to make it work for parents and others who’ve want to chip in but only have 20 or 30 minutes free to volunteer at the end of a long work day – not just the super-activists. Also, folks in areas without competitive races or who live in rural areas far from campaign offices no longer have to be excluded from GOTV.

So, if you happen to have some spare time to sit down and make a few phone calls, this could make a difference in the tight races come next Tuesday.