So, the sense of the Senate seems to be that more cannon fodder for Iraq is a bad thing. Except Joe Lieberman, of course. And Hillary is coming up with some kind of talking out both sides of her mouth bullshit, where she doesn’t wanting to limit funding for “out troops,” but she wants to limit money for Iraqi forces if they don’t do what we tell them to, the goddamn ingrates (makes you wonder why we even bothered to liberate them in the first place). I really hope she decides not to run. I hope Obama decides not to, too. He’s just a slightly darker (and younger) version of your typical DLC posturer, IMHO. I guess if Gore won’t run, I’ll have to go with Edwards. Maybe and Edwards – Clark ticket. But it’s all way too early to start obsessing about that (and now Florida is gonna move it’s primaries to January? Oy). Another warmish day here, I guess – supposed to hit the upper thirties (ah, I remember my upper thirties; those were the days). The poor geese don’t know what the hell to do. Every day, I see them either flying north, or back south again (bitching like hell at the the head guy, too, “fly south, he says. It’s gonna get cold he says. Wait, now we gotta go back north again. It’s too warm. Back and forth. All I know is, I’m flappin’ my fucking wings off, and we aint gettin’ anywhere”). Well, whichever direction you’re headed today, stay warm.