Yeah, what’s so friggin’ good about it, anyway?

Today’s the day when Kristians around the world celebrate what they love the most – torture and death. Just one thing that probably ought to be pointed out, though. It was the Romans who killed Jesus, not the Jews (hell, Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem for Passover when the Romans arrested him), contrary to what you might hear from Mel Gibson’s dad or that numbnuts asshole from the Catholic League, Bill Donohue (who feigned so much righteous indignation over the whole fake “chocolate Jesus” controversy).

So, to Mr. Donohue, Messrs. Gibson, and any of the other people offended by Jesus with a penis (apparently Jesus was actually a Ken doll) while still being 100% on-board with humiliation, torture, invasion of a sovereign nation, and the deaths of thousands of US soldiers and hundred of thousands of Iraqi civilian, I dedicate this Tom Waits clip to you.

Oh, and have a good Friday.