I kinda thought when the stories came out about Gonzo doing such a shitty job prepping for yesterday’s testimony, it was just one of those “lowering expectation” games. Obviously not. He may be a consummate suck-up, but he sure as hell isn’t any good at thinking on his feet (or on his ass). They obviously told him, “look, just fucking say you don’t recall.” He got that one down, at least. It’ll be interesting to see if the petulant little boy king cuts him loose or not. Big Al would probably be happy to just go home and spend more time with his family at this point, but I don’t think dubya and his boy Rove can afford an honest person in that position – and there’s no more rubber stamp for Senate confirmation anymore.

Otherwise, I need everyone to concentrate and send their energy my way into my winning the lottery (preferably the mega millions tonight, but I’m willing to settle for the NYS lotto drawing tomorrow) so that I can drop out of school. Some would say it would be a shame to get this close and drop out, but I say “balderdash,” and that there’s no better time than right now. I promise to do good things with my winnings, like launching a true progressive radio station that won’t put on some libertarian schmuck in the pursuit of “ratings,” and of course building an earth sheltered home on several hundred acres of land where seditionists are free to hang out. I’ll also buy up all of the melamine in the world, and personally shove it down the throats of the people who decided to add it to pet food.