Well, it aint Friday yet, but at least Monday’s over with. A couple of interesting Supreme Court rulings yesterday. First, they decided (by a 5-4 vote, thanks very much to everyone who helped Bush steal two elections) that there’s no such thing as free speech anymore, and you can’t hold up a “bong hits for Jesus” sign on public property. Then they ruled (yep, 5-4) that American citizens don’t have the right to file a law suit against the king executive branch. They also wiped out a provision of the already inadequate McCain Feingold campaign finance bill (do I need to say it was 5-4?). And, again by a 5-4 vote, the Supremes ruled to neuter federal regulators, to the benefit of developers (say, “bye-bye” to the Endangered Species Act). Just another day in Bush’s ‘merika. And another 573 or so to go.