Crap, it’s Monday again, and that just pisses me off. I think I’ll head down to the diner and get me a big glass of OJ. You know, I finally figured out Chris Matthews’ problem with orange juice. The Florida Sunshine spokestwit used to be Anita Bryant. And we all know what sorts of folks Anita Bryant had a problem with. We’re also all pretty familiar with the man crushes Tweety gets on people like John McCain, and how Tweety seems to have quite a problem with the female types. He’s either hostile to them, or he fakes sexual attraction and goofily fawns all over them in a rather stupid and embarrassing way (a little overcompensation there, Chris?).

So, I think Matthews is hostile toward orange juice because he subconsciously fears having his oranges squeezed by Anita Bryant. Hey, do yourself a favor Chris. Get outta that closet before you find yourself trading swapping press passes (and precious bodily fluids) with Jeff Guckert.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.