So, yesterday’s class was pretty good, and I think this will turn out to be worthwhile for me. Especially now that I know I don’t have to leave quite so early to get there. Didn’t really get a chance to peruse the whole election thing, except to see that, now that it looks like Obama can get to 2,025 delegates, the other campaign has decided that 2,209 is the real number (and they’re willing to stage a fight in August to try and pull their ‘nuclear’ option). Of course, the point now for them is to make sure McCain gets elected, so expect to see things get even more Rovian from them from here on out. They need to walk a bit if a fine line, I’d think, to torpedo the Obama candidacy while not shouldering the blame for a McCain presidency (go for the old, ‘Obama ran a terrible campaign’ chestnut).

Personally, I think it’s a little late for that. Maybe Clinton should just be the ‘Connecticut for Libermann’ Party candidate for President. But, hey, who knows? Maybe she’ll be a good soldier, and they can both spend the next month or two using the free primary media coverage showing the world what an incredibly horrible little person John McCain is. That would be the mature thing to do, both for Clinton and her supporters (many of whom seem to be having what Frank Zappa called a ‘petulant frenzy’).

So, we’ll see what my Senator does from here on out. She’s got that job for life unless she turns off every Democrat in the state, and she has a good chance to become an upper mucky-muck in the Senate – maybe even Majority leader. Plus I hear if she acts like a grown up, the Obama campaign will pay off her campaign debt (and since she’s loaned her campaign a lot of her and Bill’s money, that has to look like a pretty good deal).

Anyway, the Chat Room is open for Maron on AAR this afternoon. I won’t be around, but that’s not much of a loss.

Have a good one.