I got nothing. Actually, I have a lot, but I’m afraid to write it, because it’ll just make a big stink. And I wouldn’t want to do that.

I did break down and watch a little of “the convention” last night. Some animatronic-looking guy with a huge chin, and that guy – Barry Switzer or Albert Schweitzer or whatever his name is, with the funny tie – from Montana (kept thinking it was a Polygrip commercial), and the guy Casey who is apparently the kid of another guy named Casey, and I watched Clinton for a while, but by then it was getting late and I didn’t last long (appreciated her wearing the SU orange, though).

None of this political speechifying does much for me anymore. Might sound good, but it’s so far divorced from what they ever actually do, it’s kind of a joke. I think I prefer to read the recap the next day (let’s face it; the only thing that matters is what the media tells us matters).

Right now, I just wish I’d gone to bed earlier.