So, let’s see what’s up today. On Press the Meat, Henry Paulson is on to tell us what bailing out rich people is a good thing, but bailing out the po’ folks is a bad thing. Mike Bloomberg will be on to represent the rich folks. There’ll also be some financial “experts” around the roundtable; the only one worth mentioning is Erin Burnett, because she’s pretty cute.

Paulson continues his billion dollar bailout sales job on Faze the Nation, with smarmy Alabama cracker Dick Shelby. Thankfully, Barney Frank will be on, too, so there’ll be at least one worthwhile guest.

The Paulson show continues on Fux News Sunday, as Weaselface Wallace also has Krazy Jon Kyl and Chucky Schumer along with the usual fuxheads and this week’s “power player” Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, chairman of the American Red Cross.

Guess who’s on the Goebbels network “This Weak?” If you guessed Henry Paulson, you’d be correct. George Snufalufagus also pulls a Boehner, and Chris Dodd will drop by as well. Plus, the Axis of Drivel is together again as Sam :omg: Donaldson, Cokie “the hag” Roberts, and George :jerk: Will join political mastermind Donna Brazile around the roundtable.

CNN’s Late Emission has Doug Holtz-Eakin (some fucking economic “expert” and McCain adviser) and cupie doll James Carville. Don’t be surprised if Henry Paulson stops by, too.

Later, on 60 Minutes, Steve Kroft interviews Barack Obama and Scott Pelley interviews John McCain.

Have a good one.