Saturday, again, and Siggy and Fritz have failed to wake PJ. My dogs also slept late because the sky didn’t even begin to lighten until nearly 7 a.m. However, Clifford the cat is not so easily lulled into a late morning. He was on the job and, with his usual directness, jumped on me and took a stroll. Now they are all fed.

Lately the wingnuts, who are neither as straight forward or handsome as Cliff, have been letting us know that they are the only true patriots. Sarah is happy to be visiting the pro-American parts of the country and Congressmember Michele Bachmann, who undoubtedly represents one of those happy areas, wants the press to investigate her colleagues who lean left, for their unamerican activities. I think we’ve done this before and I don’t remember it being much fun. But at least it led to adding a new word to the dictionary: Mccarthyism.

And, the Rethugs are reminding us why the thug part of that word is so descriptive with their ACORN accusations that, far from protecting democracy, are designed to thwart it.

Can’t blame PJ for putting off waking to all this.

Have a good one!