Back in 2004, I took the day after election day off, so I could stay up late and relish the victory. John Kerry had kicked Bush’s ass in the debates, and it was more then obvious who the better man was. Needless to say, that didn’t work out so well, so this year I’ve decided to take the day before election day off. Hopefully this will work out a little better. Frankly, I’d have gotten nothing done at work today anyway.

Tomorrow is a huge day for this country. It aint about whether Barack Obama is the perfect liberal, or my #1 choice, or whatever else it is that the PUMAs or the Naderites or the ‘pure’ people think is the only candidate worth supporting (here’s a clue, folks: no matter how wonderful your candidate is, if they can’t get elected, then they aint gonna get much done).

Tomorrow is about whether this country can shake free from the shackles of ignorance and racism, and elect the obviously smarter and better-qualified candidate over the dim-witted evil old white guy (and his white-trash running mate). It’s also about whether or not the Republican Party can be slammed into the ground where it deserves for bringing about the most corrupt and destructive group of criminals to have ever run this country (and that’s saying a lot, because we don’t exactly have a pristine history here).

The Republican Party has all but destroyed this country. They deserve to go the way of the Whigs. I only hope tomorrow will bring about the crushing blow that will signal the end of this vile, despicable bunch.

Then we get a week to be happy before we start jumping on the Democrats’ asses.