My laptop is behaving badly this morning, so I don’t have time for much. Poor thing is getting old; must be over four years old now, which is about 64 in computer years. Plus, it’s been through a lot. The culprit this morning appears to be the Foxmarks syncronizer for IE. Since I never use IE (except at work, where it’s the “officially supported” web browser, so I have to at least make sure my stuff works in it), I reckon I can do without it.

More rain today, then up into the 50’s before plunging into the teens later on (just in time for my new gloves and Elmer Fudd hat, which should be showing up on my porch some time today). This, combined with what seems to be constant fatigue the last few days, seems guaranteed to get me sick. I can feel a sore throat coming on. Guess I better start hitting up the oil of oregano.

See ya.

Oh, and Happy Birthday to Sam :omg: Donaldson, whose hair is just as black at 75 as it was at 35. 🙄