After a couple of pretty goddamn cold days, it’s supposed to warm up to the mid fifties today. That sounds pretty good to me (not that I don’t look dashing out at the park wearing my Elmer Fudd hat).

Speaking of the cold, could be I’ll be left out in it pretty soon.

Our accidental Governor (I may have previously mentioned how much respect and admiration I have for him) has been trying to put the screws to NY State public unions by forcing them to accept cutbacks to previously signed and negotiated contracts that wouldn’t really save a whole lot of money in the scheme of things, but would hurt public workers while pandering to the Archie Bunkers out there who piss and moan about public employees (and who would be the first to howl in outrage when the streets don’t get plowed, the garbage doesn’t get picked up, and the hospitals and schools are closed).

The public unions have told Blinky to take a hike, so now he’s having a petulant frenzy and calling for the first mass layoffs of state workers since the late nineties (this would, in theory, save less than $500 million, at least until you add in the extra overtime, lost tax revenue, and unemployment benefits – never mind the loss of services – out of a projected budget deficit of $16 billion). That’s about 3%. Not much of a dent, but I suppose he’s hoping his “get tough with the goddamn unions” stance will boost his pitiful ratings.

There’s nothing better in a crappy economy than creating more unemployment, I guess. It’s certainly better than asking rich people to kick in a few more bucks (taxes are for the little people, after all). And I’m sure the Governor’s private staff (and those of the State Legislature) will remain untouched (as will their pay and health benefits).

Public employees, of course, are always an easy and popular target of derision (kind of like how comedians can never go wrong with fat jokes); you’re supposed to be ashamed of yourself, take whatever shit you get, and, if possible, never be seen in public.

“Oh, State job. You must sit around on your ass all day not doing anything.”

That’s never been my personal experience, of course, but the myth continues.

Perhaps I’m just biased, though, since both of us here are employed by NY State (and, yeah, guess what, we pay taxes, too). Granny already has the privilege of working 12, 13, 14 hour days for 8 hours pay (I put in 10 hour days myself, but I’m salary so it comes with the territory). As for me, I recently moved from a technically non-State job into a State job, and while I have ten years of previous service in a past life, I’m basically a brand new employee. So, come July (when Blinky wants to start laying people off), I could very well be one of the first people out the door.

At least there are plenty of other jobs out there. 🙄

Oh well, more time with the dogs at the park, I guess.