So, no matter how pissed off the world is at the US, it appears that Michelle Obama is going over quite well overseas. Good thing, ‘cuz I saw the photo of her and the other G-20 “first ladies,” and she looks like she could kick every one of their asses (and most of their husbands’) with one sleeveless arm tied behind her back (and I was afraid she was accidentally going to step on the Queen of England and squash her like a bug). The only person I can think of that Michelle might have trouble with is, is Barbara Bush (the first one), and that’s only ‘cuz Bar could ugly her to death.

Angie Harmon gave a two-part interview with Fox News, where (in part) she details all the things she just loves about being a Republican.

“I think one of the greatest things about the Republican Party is the understanding, we don’t point fingers and we have class…

Not all of us are supposed to believe the same things and think the same way,” she added. “I think the difference between the parties is, with the Democrats you can sit down with them and have a 15 minute conversation and if you’re not believing everything they say and buying into what they’re selling you, it is like you’re some dumb hick who doesn’t deserve to live here anymore. But with the Republicans, it is like okay I want to know what you know, you want to know what I know, okay great lets go have a beer after work, we’re still friends.


I’d like to see Michelle Obama kick her ass.