Since March 10th, 57 people have been shot to death by eight gunmen (slightly more than 7 each; pretty good average). This would be cause for a little bit of concern, were it not for the fact that all of them (or at least most of them) had legal gun permits. Thank goodness for that. I mean, after all, if guns had been illegal, then these guys would have been criminals (and if Jiverly was Wong, I don’t wanna be Wight). You might think that all this gun violence would lead to more strict gun control laws, especially with the namby-pamby liberal wimps running the government. You would, of course, be wrong.

After seeing the devastation a couple of (legal) handguns can do in the paws of one crazy Vietnamese immigrant, you’d think maybe we would ban (or at least limit) more powerful assault-type weapons, which would seem to have no real legitimate use (other than, maybe, an assault or something). Well, last month a bunch of fruity House Democrats tried to do just that. Fortunately, a group of 65 more manly Democrats – led by Rep. Mike Ross of Arkansas (Arkansas is definitely on my list of places I don’t want to live, though that’s admittedly got a lot to do with the heat) – stepped in, and notified AG Eric Holder that they opposed not only a ban on military-style guns, but also efforts “to pass any similar law.”

Well good for them.

Speaking of places I don’t want to live, the Texas Senate (where legislators are allowed to bring weapons to work) easily passed bills that would allow employees to bring weapons to work (as long as they leave them locked in their cars; not sure what the penalty would be for bringing the guns in and shooting your co-workers; probably a stiff fine), and to allow folks to bring their guns to a bar – as long as the bar doesn’t have a “no guns allowed” sign. But what real Texas bar would have a fruity policy like that? Guns and alcohol? What could be wrong with that? And Texas is also considering allowing students to bring concealed weapons to campus. Sounds good to me. I remember going to college, and the kids I went to school with were all quite mature and responsible. 🙄

I wonder if we can get federal vouchers for bulletproof vests?