Looks like Billy Donohue of the Catholic League (I thought that was something to do with the CYO, but I guess not) has his panties in a knot (or maybe his cilice is just too tight) over the upcoming Ron Howard sequel to the Da Vinci Code, “Angels and Demons.” Surprise, surprise. Even less surprising is the fact that Brother Bill hasn’t even seen the movie, and is spreading lies about it (for a $5 donation, you can get a whole booklet of bullshit, which I guess is cheaper than buying a bible – not that I would ever equate the Bible with Bill Donohue’s bullshit).

Back in one of my past lives, I used to run movie theatres. Long before “The Last Temptation of Christ” was released, I got calls from the Jesus crowd urging me not to show this horrible movie (like I personally booked the movies we showed 🙄 ). The calls ranged from polite to somewhat deranged. When I finally got to see the movie, I couldn’t understand what the problem was. I don’t recall there being anything in there that would have even made my mom uncomfortable.

But the mindless little sheep were told it was an evil movie, and so there was no need to see and judge it for themselves. Yet, when Mel Gibson came out with his torture porn, gore fest “The Passion of the Christ,” the mortification of the flesh crowd wet their chastity belts in their excited rush to the box office.

Speaking of demons, Dick Cheney is running his mouth again, bashing the President of the United States (isn’t that still considered treason, or was that just for the last bunch? I thought there were supposed to be “limits” to free speech?) on Fux News in an interview with meathead Sean Hannity (it pains me to no end that all these assholes seem to be of Irish descent; we’re supposed to be a race of soulful artists and poets, not loudmouth assholes).

“I’ve been concerned at the way we’ve been presented overseas… What I find disturbing is the extent to which he’s gone to Europe and seemed to apologize profusely, been to Mexico and seemed to apologize there,” said Cheney. “The world out there, both our friends and foes, will be quick to take advantage of that… I don’t think we have much to apologize for.”

Really, Dick? Hey, isn’t time you took a vacation? I hear Spain is beautiful this time of year. Maybe Uncle Dick is just getting a little stressed out with the release of the torture memos and the rising clamor for an investigation. Sadly, I don’t think Dick and and his merry band of torturers have much to worry about, but you’d think he’d shut up and show a little more appreciation to Obama, who apparently just wants to “move on.”

Watch out, Dick. If you keep pushing him, Obama may just turn into that closet liberal all you wingnuts keep claiming he is.

Looks like there was a big fire at Jimmy Dean’s house in Virginia last night. I know what you’re thinking: “Jimmy Dean’s still alive?” I guess so. Apparently he doesn’t eat his own sausage. I must say, I’m kind of surprised to hear he’s only 80 years old. Seems like his TV show was forever ago.