Wow, back to work today, and I’m just not feeling it. I’m looking forward to today about as much as Martha Coakley is, I think. At least maybe we can stop hearing how the Democrats have a “filibuster-proof” majority (as if Joe Lieberman was a Democrat). And let’s not forget Robert Byrd is about a million years old, too. Oh well, on the bright side, for me as an individual, I don’t think my life will change either way. Assuming my life not changing can actually be considered a “bright” side. Beats living in Haiti.

Speaking of Haiti, Matt Taibbi slams David Brooks’ recent column on the disaster down there.

One would have thought a column on the Haitian’s lack of an achievement culture could maybe wait until after the bodies were cold, but… hey, who am I to judge?

Personally, I think Haiti could lift its Satan’s curse by changing it’s name to Lovi (plus they need to lay off that Voodoo stuff and quit with the Zombies).

Oh well, as you can tell, I’m not feeling particularly inspired today, so I guess I’d better just go get ready for work before I resort to talking about sports and weather.