If you’re east of, oh, say, Ohio, and south of the NY/PA border down to Virgina or so, you’re probably waking up to a fun-filled day of shoveling snow. Here in the “Miami of the Northeast,” however, there’s nary a flake in sight. We’ve been pretty much screwed out of winter here this year. I was gonna say, “gypped out,” but then I realized that that’s an insensitive ethnic slur against Gypsies, so I can’t say that. After all, Sarah Palin might have a Gypsy relative, and then she’ll get all pissed off at me (if not Rush), and I wouldn’t want that. Plus it might offend Ariana Huffington.

Personally, I get a little tired of the perpetually offended (especially people who make a big show of pretending to be offended for some bullshit reason or another, but in reality couldn’t care less). Not that Rahm Emanuel isn’t an asshole, don’t get me wrong. I just think that if you’re not offended by invading other countries and killing its civilians or by the tens of thousands of people dying every year because they don’t have health insurance, then you don’t get to be “offended” by words. But whatever.

So, CBS is plugging tomorrow’s halftime show with “The Who” as a big deal. My question is, do two people make a Who? I mean, maybe you can go on w/o Keith Moon and call yourself The Who, but once you’re down to two old geezers, shouldn’t you call yourselves something else? Like “The Huh?” or something. I mean, you don’t see Paul and Ringo calling themselves The Beatles, and without Jerry, The Dead are no longer Grateful. Unless you’re gonna be one of these traveling oldies bands that has one old guy who played bass during a summer tour in ’72 trying to cash in on the old name, then you ought to come up with at least a slightly different name.

But I guess when you’re the official band of the CSI teevee franchise, you gotta go with the flow.

Oh well, there’s a lot I ought to be doing today, though I don’t know if I’ll actually do any of it. So I guess I’d better get started.