You may have heard there was a big election in Iraq. This is a shining example of why we needed to blow a lot of shit up, kill a shitload of people, and spend a boatload of money on democracizing those people over there. The party of our former puppet, Ayad Allawi, appears to have edged out the party of our most recent puppet, Nouri al-Maliki, prompting al-Maliki to declare (in a most American manner) “No way we will accept the results.”

Speaking of not accepting results, the teabaggers remain up in arms (literally) over the whole health care thing, threatening violence and being generally rude and annoying. Democrats proposed that they and Republicans sign a joint “Civility Statement,” more or less declaring that, rather than encourage violence, politicians ought to be examples of civility. The RNC, via its leader Mike “Bozo” Steele, has, predictably, soundly rejected that idea. Obviously, it’s a trick, and while the Republicans aren’t smart enough to figure out what the trick is, they at least recognize that it is, indeed, a trick and they’re calling bullshit on it.

Speaking of bullshit, Indiana is being attacked by giant bubbles of it. Or, rather, by the giant bubbles of gas released by 21 million gallons of decomposing bull (and cow) shit.

Like many of his neighbors, farmer Tony Goltstein has to deal with the aftermath of the dairy bubble.

But besides his mounting financial troubles, Mr. Goltstein also must contend with bubbles the size of small houses that have sprouted from the pool of manure at his Union Go Dairy Farm. Some are 20 feet tall….

Those are some big shit bubbles.

Another good reason to stay away from Indiana, I guess.