So, here I am again. I got here a little bit before 4:00 yesterday, but didn’t much feel like tromping down to the Mall to see what was left of the Earth Day concert. Instead I watched the Coal Miner Memorial (was surprised at what a good reception Obama and Biden got; maybe there’s hope for this country after all). One of these days I have to stop at the Anthracite Museum on the way down. Then I walked over to Whole Foods (which was really, really crowded, and smelled kind of like piss) to buy some groceries since my room has a kitchen. It was too busy, so all I got was beer. Warm beer at that. Then I proceeded to turn the wrong way and wound up walking way out of my way, which wasn’t bad, other than it’s too damn hot down here. Between that and the six hour drive, my foot was killing me by the time I got back. Fortunately, my training thing is right across the street, so I don’t have far to walk to get there.