Ah, it’s good to be home (and it’s even Friday; how cool is that). And to get a good night’s sleep (as good as it gets these days, anyway). They seem to be quite afraid of transmitting disease or something down there. I saw more bottles of hand sanitizer in five days than I’ve seen in my entire life before that. I always knew DC was a dirty place filled with dirty people. Actually that’s not true. Most of the people there are very nice. It’s the ones that aren’t from there that suck.

Meanwhile, oil has started washing ashore on the LA coast and into the Mississippi River. I hope you like your shrimp nice and slippery. Not to worry, though, because we have square watermelons. I’ve never really cared for watermelon (or shrimp, for that matter; I don’t like food you gotta fuck around with to eat, whether it’s spitting out seeds or cracking shells or whatever, and I also don’t like food that looks like it did when it was alive, and I don’t like food that has more than four legs and looks like a bug), But that’s just me. I don’t like big hats, either.

Speaking of big hats, yes, as Vernon mentioned yesterday, the big hats were out in force for the Dorothy Height funeral in DC yesterday (in fact, Joe Biden was caught on-mic leaning over to President Obama at the service saying, “that’s a big fuckin’ hat), and it was of course big news down there. Such a shame – she was only 98. I don’t think I’d have had much chance to get in, though, as they were only handing out 700 tickets to regular people.

One thing I will guarantee right now (and you can hold me to this): you will not need a ticket to get into my funeral, though I hope to have DVDs available for purchase in the lobby. At least a soundtrack CD.

President Obama has interviewed a potential Supreme Court nominee – 56-yr old Sidney Thomas of Montana, who was appointed to the 9th Circuit in 1995 by Bill Clinton. Thomas looks like a “safe” choice (gee, what a shock that Obama would go for a safe choice), and he’s a white guy (the fact that he’s from Montana – which comes in at #51 for number of black people, with a little more than two thousand black people, or three-tenths of one percent of its population – should have tipped you off to that), which is cool ‘cuz what the Supreme Court needs is more white guys. Of course, this is just the first trial balloon to go out, and no nominee is safe when it comes to Republican fundraising and faux outrage.

Oh well, time to get ready to go through the motions of getting through the day.