So, teabagger darling and Republican candidate for KY Senator (that’s Kentucky, not the lube) isn’t 100% down with the Civil Rights act, telling Rachel Maddow he’d have tried to change it if he was in office when it was enacted. Oh, he himself, of course, doesn’t believe in discrimination (and would never join a white-only Country Club – like, say, the one where he held his big victory party), but that doesn’t mean other people shouldn’t have the right to do it. Apparently, he considers it a First Amendment right for a private business to refuse to serve, say, black people. Is it? Is that protected “speech”? If a business is privately owned, does the owner have the right to say, “we don’t serve black people” or “the lunch counter is for white people only”? Or, no Jews, no Whites, no Mooslams, no Ukrainians, no Irish, no, well, whatever? I suppose you have the right to keep whoever you want out of your home, but does that right extend to, say, your hardware store or the family-owned Greasy Spoon (or the Wal-Mart in Leitchfield, KY)? Doesn’t seem like it to me, and it doesn’t seem like somebody who thinks it does ought to be a US Senator in the 21st Century. Not even in Kentucky.

BPs oily sludge is now gunking up the Louisiana wetlands, and it’s headed up the East Coast. Since they don’t seem to be able to stop it, it’ll be interesting to see how far it goes. On the bright side, you might not need the tanning oil out on Jones Beach this summer – just go for a swim, and you should come back out with a nice brown patina. I wonder if it’ll make it all the way to Europe?

Feeling a little sluggish and off your feed lately? Might want to take that Miley Cyrus jewelry off and put it in your drawer. It appears that the MC jewelry collection is loaded with cadmium, or as the local news bimbo – and reincarnation of Norm Crosby (who isn’t actually dead yet) just said about three times, “caddyum”. Looks like Wal-Mart (where all the classy chicks do their jewelry shopping) is pulling the collection from its shelves.

On the bright side, they’ve just gotten a new shipment of lifelike sea gull oil lamps in from Louisiana.