I really can’t bring myself to look at today’s lineup of talking heads. These shows make a mockery of our political system, raising insignificant clowns – teevee “personalities,” formerly elected stooges, currently elected liars, thieves, & hypocrites, shills for the Republicratic party, and the lying pieces of crap running for something or other in the next election – to a level of fake importance that will fool the ignorant bon-bon eating couch dwellers of the world into believing what they have to say actually matters.

Not that those folks are actually watching, of course, because Sunday morning is the day they wash the KFC grease off their faces and leave their trailers to head out to church, handle some snakes, and hear how the godless tax-and-spend abortionist libruls, queers, A-rabs, and Mexicans are ruining this country.

But, of course, all the “serious” urinalists will tut-tut and act all self-important (and somewhere Cokie the Hag will cackle over the “process” and how only seasoned pros like her understand how things really work). They all remind me of Gloria Emerson in ‘Imagine: John Lennon’ referring to John as “my dear boy” with her snooty, condescending attitude – as if he should just shut up and be a Beeeetle and not “ruin” the whole anti-war movement with his celebrity and flippant singing and whatnot, while “serious” people like her were out there doing the big work.

Just like Colbert shouldn’t deign to testify before a very serious House subcommittee (that will, in the end, do absolutely nothing because all that matters is appealing to the brain dead coach potatoes that worship at the feet – and the ample laps – of Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reily, and Glenn Beck). Oh, yes, now there’s a triad that the Washington press corps can get behind. But Colbert? How embarassing.

I’ve really come to despise all of these people – not least of which the “voters” who seem intent on consistently electing the lesser of the evils out there, and forcing us to live with the consequences.

But today is Sunday, and it should be a happy day (despite the specter of Monday looming over me). So I’ll focus on football and the fact that SU is 3-1 for the first time since 2003 (never mind that their 3 wins have come against team teams that pretty much suck – including two that are from divisions one step above Pop Warner – and the one halfway-decent team they played pretty much stomped them; as shitty as things have been the past few years, we take what we can get around here), as well as the fact that, although ‘True Blood’ is over for the year, the new season of ‘Dexter’ starts tonight.

First, though, I’ve got a lot of work to do today. Not that I’ll probably get much of it done, but it’s good to have goals, don’t you think?