TSATraveling this week? Congratulations! You may be selected to spend some intimate, quality time with this guy from the TSA (who looks a bit like Markos Moulitsas’ older brother – only not quite as creepy). So if you’ve got a thing for latex gloves, you’re in for a treat. Howie Kurtz says the media (you know, that monster that he, apparently, isn’t a part of) has really blown all this stuff out of proportion, and that 99 percent of travelers have been unaffected by the TSA’s new “grope-a-dope” policy. Let’s see, at roughly 150,000 flights per day, with, oh, I dunno, say an average of 100 people per flight, 1% comes to a mere, what, 1.5 million people getting the rubber glove treatment for the crime of trying to get home to see grandma for the holidays. See? That’s nothing. Hopefully Howie will get to experience the full grope for himself wherever he may go this weekend. As for me, I don’t plan on flying anywhere ever again, anyway. It was way too much of a pain in the ass before. Now? Fuggeduboutit. I’ll go flying on my tractor instead.