More snow today. Not so much here (your basic two or three inches last night, and another five or so today – enough to put Atlanta in a tizzy, yet barely enough for us to notice), but quite a but apparently in store for the big boys, including NYC, which must be starting to feel persecuted. Of course, Mayor Bloomie is on the job, and New York has hired back all the experienced workers they got rid rid of due to budget concerns put GPS systems and real time video cameras in their plows so the City’s upper mucky-mucks can electronically monitor the progress of the plows while staying warm, dry, and very serious-looking for the news cameras while drinking coffee in their offices. My unsolicited advice? Never mind the gizmos – get more plows and people to drive them. Boots on the ground, you know?

Speaking of boots, I think I may have some permanent foot damage, frost bite (or frost nip) or something. Either the circulation to my extremities sucks because I’ve frozen my feet a few times too many, or I’ve just got crappy circulation, causing my feet to freeze on a regular basis. Maybe I’ve become diabetic, or have developed Reynaud’s disease? Or maybe even Scleroderma (that’s one you really don’t want; not a pleasant fate).

So, the prez heads to – as Fred used to say – Aridzona today to express his sadness in that stilted, wooden, way he has. For somebody who got his start being recognized as a great speaker, he doesn’t impress me most of the time these days. Maybe I’m just too familiar with his schtick. I once read somewhere that we ought to have two presidents – one for doing shit, and one as kind of an ombudsman. I nominate Bill Clinton as ombudsman emeritus. No matter how onto him I ever got, he could still kick ass from the podium. Then again, we don’t know who was under there motivating him.

Oh well, do the best you can, Mr. Obama, and keep your head down while you’re out there.

Today is the dreaded Wednesday morning meeting. It’s uncomfortable, unproductive, and un-, um, un-good. While I do not want to go to work today, I even more don’t want to go to this meeting. I need to find another way to make a living.

Until then, though, I guess I better go see if there’s enough snow to plow the driveway or not.