It’s been a pretty wet April here. We average something like 3.4″ for the month of April, and we’ve already had more than 5″. This is on top of ground saturated by the snow melt (about 15 feet officially – so far), so things are pretty squishy out there. Even the parts of the lawn that seem hard turn to mud when you drive over them. I wish we could give some of our rain to Oklahoma, but water is the gift of life from God and, well, I’m pretty sure God hates Oklahoma. I mean, how else do you explain Tom Coburn and James Inhofe? Still, it would be nice if things would dry up a bit, but it looks like there’s more rain in the forecast for today (and tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that…).

Is there anybody out there that actually gives a shit about the “royal wedding?” I mean, I don’t really care when people I know have a wedding, let alone strangers. I can understand the Brits being all agog, I guess (I don’t quite get that whole King and Queen stuff, but at least for them it’s some kind of tradition that they feel is worth paying for; I guess, given the choice between a decorative monarchy with National Health and a fake “democracy” – and, yes, a republic is a form of democracy – that has for-profit health care, I’d take the Queen thing).

Well, if you do actually care about the upcoming nuptials, you’re in luck, ‘cuz I don’t think you’ll be able to avoid it this week. I haven’t been able to, and goodness knows I’ve tried. I will, however, admit to being glad that they avoided Rowan Atkinson. I wonder if the Queen is a Blackadder fan? Somehow, I doubt it. She doesn’t strike me as having a sense of humor. Or even being particularly interesting. I mean, there’s a reason Showtime had a series about the Tudors (famous for debauchery) and not the Windsors (famous for a tie knot).

Still, I suppose you go the ratings war with the royal family you have, and not the royal family you might want or wish to have at a later time. Or something.

Oh well, much as I’d love to go buy a case of bon-bons and satiate my royal jones by watching the nonstop coverage, I reckon I’ll have to go to work instead.