Well gosh. You go to bed one night with the world pretty much as it has been for quite a while, and you wake up the next morning and the boogie man is dead. Or supposedly dead. I’m sure many people will remain unconvinced. Well good, I guess. I don’t seem to feel the need to go outside and whoop it up chanting “USA, USA” while waving the flag. But then, I was never much of a flag waver. Most of the people I’ve seen on the teevee who were out there partying as if their team just won the Super Bowl look like they’re under 20 years old, so you have to kind of wonder what the motivation for their exuberant jubilation is all about. But it just goes to show that Obama has fucked things up once again. First, he really shoulda kept the fucker on ice until the election. Second, he failed to inflame the mooslam world by parading Osama’s body around like a trophy, which will lead to mass speculation that it wasn’t really him (as if a photo of the dead body is better proof than all that godless “sciencey” stuff). Of course, I’m pretty sure we’ll come to find that Obama was the one that set bin Laden up in that fancy crib in the first place, and only took him out because Osama had a copy of Obama’s Nigerian birth certificate. Obama, Osama…. It’s all too confusing for me. I need more coffee.