Did the ancient Egyptians caulk their boats with linen and beeswax? So it would seem. If you guessed that I’m taking advantage of the rainy start of the day to catch up on my recorded Novas, you would be correct. They’ve been showing “classic” ones lately, which is OK, because now that I’m old and feeble-minded, what’s old is new to me. Currently showing, ‘Secrets of the Parthenon.’ The Supreme Court building is based on the Parthenon, but the SCOTUS building really isn’t all that impressive (from the outside, anyway) in person. Frankly, it looks like a bank. When I saw it as a younger fella, it seemed much more August (even though it was July). Maybe the fact that I know it’s currently ruled by the likes of John Roberts, who makes up a majority that includes the likes of ‘Fat Tony’ Scalia and Clarence “Coke Can” Thomas makes it seem less impressive to me. Referring to the Republican Mafia in control as “Justices” makes me wanna puke. Oh well, the rain seems to be over (for now), so I suppose I ought to find something to do.