So, it looks like NYS is now one vote away from legalizing Gay Marriage. The bad news is that one vote needs to be a Republican, and you can’t really count on them to do the right thing. But the public very much supports this, so maybe it’ll pass after all. I certainly hope so. I’d like to see NY do the right thing for a change. Of course, I still fail to understand why it has to “legalized” in the first place, since there seems to be a law allowing two humans to enter into a marriage contract which confers certain rights and responsibilities (like, “you inherit everything if your spouse croaks,” and “you really should refrain from knocking up your maid” – by the way, no offense to anybody but, geez, Arnold, really? Governor, movie star, rich bastard, and that’s what you throw you marriage away for?) already on the books, and I don’t see how you can exclude people from that based on gender. But hey, I’m no legal scholar, so what do I know?

Now that the NBA has finally had the decency for its season to end, the NHL will be over with tonight, one way or another as either Vancouver or Boston will take home the Stanley Cup. Mid June is just too damn late for hockey. I mean, crap, it’s bad enough that winter will be here before you know it. I’m not a huge hockey fan (used to follow the Sabres a bit when I lived in Buffalo, and enjoyed going to the minor league games here when I was a kid – lots of fights), but I’ll have to go with Vancouver because I’m really sick and tired of everything Boston. And I hate rotaries.

Chromebooks go on sale today, and I would love to try one out. But not for $500 (If I had $500 to throw away, I’d get an Android tablet). They’ll need to come down in price before I’ll consider one (and probably not even then – at least as long as I have a functioning laptop of one variety or another kicking around). Since coming to the realization that a computer is pretty much worthless without an Internet connection, I’ve decided a dearth of storage space (16 or 32 gigs seems “tiny” these days) isn’t really a problem. Especially when you have a USB port and SD card slots.

Oh well, no new toys for me, I guess.