It’s Primary Day here in NY. I always remember that it’s around this time, because they had to cancel them on the day that the world stopped turning, back on that September day. So go out and vote for, um, let’s see…. Well, I have nobody to vote for (or, more importantly, against). So, no voting for me. It would have been my first time voting out this way and, truth be told, I shouldn’t even be registered to a party. When I filled out my change of address form (which, strictly speaking, was just a registration form – not a “change of address”), I opted for the Working Families Party. Apparently, they didn’t bother to read that part though, and they kept me a Democrat (which I switched to as a form of protest – from “no preference” – after they impeached Clinton). I never really felt like a Democrat, and if I ever did before, I sure as hell don’t now (the party that nominated Joe Liebermann for VP? I don’t think so).

What with all these Republican debates, I feel as if there’s a Presidential election in November, but I guess not. Perhaps I just don’t remember (I’m at that age, after all), but do they normally start all this bullshit so far ahead of time, or is it just because the Republicans are such a bunch of losers? Shit, the election isn’t for another 14 months or something, and at least two of these clowns have already dropped out. Of course, it isn’t really a race for the White House ’til Sarah Palin gets in (and then quits halfway through).

It will be interesting to see if the Moon is as spectacular this morning as it was yesterday. It was setting in the West as I was on my way to work, and in my rearview mirror. And then the Sun rose in front of me as a big orange ball. Very nice. Sadly, that was the highlight of my day. Not that yesterday was a particularly bad day. Just, meh. I sit in the car, I sit at my desk, and then I sit in my car again. Chase the dog around for a little. Then I got out a sand wedge and whacked a few golf balls around for a while (I now have a yard where I can take a full swing without hitting a house). Then it was time to watch the season finales of True Blood and Curb Your Enthusiasm, and go to bed.

One day down, at least.