I don’t get much of an opportunity to watch the NFL these days, and I knew the Colts were having an “off” year (to put it politely), but, damn, I see the Saints dropped 62 points on them yesterday. Cool. And the Lord Almighty led Denver to a victory over The Fish, using Timmy Tebow as His instrument. Seems God was wearing His orange and blue this weekend. Let’s hope He keeps it from now right through ’til March Madness (which ends in what, April these days?).

But, alas, the weekend is over and it’s time to go back to work again. No more long weekends planned for me until Thanksgiving. That sucks.

Billboards aside, the Internets say George Beauchamp (though multiple people were working on it), and he appears to hold the patent – #2,089,171. I think Oklahoma needs to quit buying their textbooks from Texas.

Early day – time to go.