Another day, another…. I don’t know. Another boring post from me, I guess. Yesterday was a long, pain in the ass day. An outside contractor made some changes to a database that has nothing to do with me, but which my stuff interacts with in order to run scheduled batch reports (yes, this is the exciting work in which I operate). This caused the reports not to run, and of course the outside contractor (who seems none to sharp, IMHO) immediately engaged in what we in the IT world call “finger pointing.” Of course, nothing on our end of things had changed, everybody but the true schmucks of the world are off this week, and I got stuck spending my entire day researching it, and trying to figure out how to fix what this f*ckhead (sorry, but she was a very snotty in her e-mails, and was lucky she wasn’t in the same room with me, or I’d have choked her to the point of unconsciousness). We (and when I say “we,” I most definitely don’t include this ignorant, arrogant “contractor”) managed a workaround for now, but it killed my whole day yesterday (and who knows how much of today), and isn’t even something that’s in my sphere of responsibility. And I’ve got other shit I need to be doing – shit for which I was “discouraged” from taking any time off this week to finish (because the client didn’t send her changes to me until the afternoon of the Friday before Xmas Eve (a full week later than promised). Have I ever mentioned that I hate this shit?