Well, another January is in the books, and it was a strange one here, as we had hardly any snow, and other than the odd day or two, it was pretty warm. In fact, it was 55 degrees yesterday (it’s actually 55 degrees right now). Even if it all turns to crap right now, we’ve gotten quite a break this year – whether the woodchuck sees his shadow or not.

Mitt Romney stomped Newt Gingrich in Florida yesterday, taking all of the state’s 54 (or something) delegates to the Republican National Convention. Although the circus will continue, Mitt is now the nominee. That’s what everybody says, anyway. So there you have it. Iowa was the biggest thing in the world, but it didn’t really count. Same with New Hampshire. South Carolina was huge for the Newt, but, sadly for him, it doesn’t really count either. Florida. That’s where it’s at.

I don’t really care for Florida, but I’ve only been there a couple of times, so I don’t really know much about it. It’s flat, which I don’t find appealing, since I come from a place with lots of hills. And it’s hot, which maybe would’ve been OK when I was younger, but not something I’m into these days. Though I’d like to be able to use the pool all year long, so that would be an advantage. But from what I see on the teevee, there seems to be a lot of rednecks down there. And serial killers. But I guess there are lots of rednecks and serial killers everywhere these days.

Still, it seems odd that Florida ought to dictate who the potential President is gonna be.

Oh well, I guess maybe I should make some coffee.