As you probably heard, President Obama has been squandering tax dollars by traveling to college campuses and giving speeches to enthusiastic young folks (much to the chagrin of Jon Boehner, who says this is just plain terrible – and certainly unprecedented).  BTW, that link is to the Christian Science Monitor. I’ve always wondered, is that something that monitors Christian Science? Or a science monitor that happens to be Christian? Either way, there would seem to be an contradiction in terms, there. Anyhow, not to be outdone, Mitt Romney did his college tour this week as well, rousing the kids with tales of such exciting things as, um, well, office supplies.

The central theme Romney drove home was the fact that “sometimes appearances do not conform with the facts or reality,” and he applied it to such topics as the office supply industry, the intricacies of tax filing law and Dodd-Frank financial legislation.

“I have several examples of disparity between appearance and reality,” Romney said, launching into a lengthy monologue about his time as a private equity investor, when he discovered — to his critics’ chagrin! —that potential annual savings on office supplies were significant enough to justify an investment in bigger stores that could make their profits on higher sales volume rather than bigger mark-ups.

“What we found was they were spending a lot more than that I thought on copy paper and toner and supplies and software and so forth….

As you can imagine,  that really got the kids fired up.

I saw a headline in the paper that read, “Get Ready for Wider Swings in CNY,” and I figured it was a story about how our kids are getting so much fatter that we had to put in wider swings.  Turns out, it was about swings in the weather.  Snow, rain, drought, temperature.  They’re all varying widely, and that variation has increased steadily over the past 50 years.  Since that’s about how long I’ve been around, I figure it must be me.

I hope the temperature varies widely today.  Especially the temperature, ‘cuz right now it’s like 25 out.  It appears to be sunny, though, which is good.  Haven’t seen a whole lot of sunshine this week. 

Oh well, I guess I better go find something to do.