So, on the way home last night, I was listening to NPR, and they were doing a story about how Romney came out and said half the country is a bunch of lazy moochers who suck. And, in typical NPR fashion, they said that the reaction in Florida (where said comments were secretly recorded) was “mixed.” As evidence of this, they went to a senior community and interviewed two people – one on each side (so as to remain “fair” I suppose). The pro-Romney guy sounded nice enough. Some kind of retired minister who was over 65, and got Social Security and Medicare, and of course pays no federal income tax. His comments? “Oh, he’s not talking about us.” Yeah, he is, dude. Wake the fuck up. How can people be so goddamned stupid? When people accidentally get caught telling the truth for once, you really need to pay attention to them.

Evidence of the stupidity of Americans was displayed by a Gallup poll released yesterday.

Thirty-four percent of voters in households making less than $24,000 a year prefer Romney over President Barack Obama….

Seriously, what is wrong with “you people?”

My only question is, since I’m part of the 53% of people who paid federal income tax last year (and more than 13%, Mitt), does that mean I have to vote for Romney? Or does the fact that no-way, no-how will I ever vote for that asshole mean I feel like a victim who needs handouts from the government?

Of course, Romney didn’t just bash half of Americans. He also said Palestinians don’t want peace (probably a “cultural” thing), there would never be peace in the Middle East, and all he’d do would be to kick the issue down the road so he wouldn’t have to deal with it. Some unnamed former Secretary of State told him there in fact was a way to bring peace to the region, but he didn’t really care to hear any details.

While bashing working people who are too poor to pay federal income tax (but of course pay state tax, sales tax, social security and medicare taxes, property tax, etc.), Romney continues to refuse to release his own taxes (beyond the one year where he apparently cleaned up his act and paid about half the rate that most of us pay), and he and his little buddy Paul Ryan refuse to tell us just how they’re going to cut taxes and balance the budget (and what “loopholes” they intend to close). Hey, you people don’t need to know the details.

Romney and Ryan aren’t the only boobs in the news lately, of course. There’s this whole Princess Kate (or whatever the hell her official title is) kerfuffle that seems to have so many people freaked out. Now, I think it’s despicable that she had her privacy invaded like that, don’t get me wrong. But, holy christ, it’s not that big a deal (or maybe I should say, they’re not that big a deal) in the scheme of things, is it?

Oh well, time to get on with the day, I guess.