Normally I’d be writing something like, “I hope y’all got your taxes done yesterday,” but of course with yesterday’s events in Boston, I guess explosions will be the talk of the day (and for many days to come, I expect). I didn’t pay all that much attention to it yesterday, because, other than the initial reports, the media tends to just keep regurgitating the few facts that are known, and a whole lot of speculation. Over and over and over. After checking in today, it appears that things could have been worse, as two more devices were found unexploded (or not, depending on what news account you read. I don’t think there’ll be any quick answers on this).

Since I know as little as anybody else, I figure I might as well speculate as to who did it. Given that it was done on April 15 and in Boston (and nobody’s claimed responsibility yet, which seems pretty un-terrorist like), I’m going to guess that it was some teabagger “tax patriot” group in protest of taxes, illegal immigrants, Obama, and the federal government in general. But I guess we’ll see.

Looks like my decision not to run the Marathon this year was a good one. I guess I can rule out NYC, too.

Whoever did it, I hope somebody catches them and locks them up. This is when it’s nice to live in a small town. We’re not exactly a high value target.

I was listening to a story on NPR a couple of weeks ago about how they were adjusting the traffic lights in LA to try to keep the traffic moving, and they were asking people to call in and tell them if their area had done any projects like this. I was tempted to call in and say, “well, we just got the one red light in town, but there’s a blinker up the hill a piece,” but I was in the car without my bluetooth thingie.

If you weren’t in Boston, yesterday was quite a nice day. It was sunny (most of the time) and it actually got up to 70° here. Since I was working from home, the dogs got to spend most of the day outside (lucky them). And since it’s warm again, I just pulled the first tick of the season off one of them. It wasn’t embedded – just crawling around on his head. Hopefully this is because of the flea and tick stuff I just reapplied to them a few days ago. I hate those nasty little things (the ticks, not the dogs – though I wish they’d quit digging up the lawn, the little bastids).

It’s not supposed to be quite as warm today, and even cooler tomorrow before temperatures rebound on Thursday and Friday (and then it’s gonna get cold again for the weekend because, well, because it’s the weekend). But I won’t worry about that now, because from a Tuesday point of view, it’s a long way ’til Saturday.