With all the conflicting information and rampant speculation about the Boston Bomber Dudes, it’s hard to really get a handle on just what the hell the deal with them is. Except for one thing I think we can all agree on. As with most messed up people, the blame clearly falls on the mother. Damns mothers, right? And if you don’t believe me, then just ask Texas Republican Michael McCaul (who I never heard of, but I suppose I should have since he apparently chairs the House Committee on Fatherland Security).

“I think she played a very strong role in his radicalization process,” McCaul said on “Fox News Sunday.” “I believe she is a person of interest, if not a subject (sic). I do believe that if she does come into the United States that she will be detained for questioning. So I think there is a connection.”

Great going, Mike. As if that outstanding warrant for shoplifting wasn’t enough, now we’ll never get her to come back here. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if she got disappeared to some Russian Gulag camp in the middle of the night.

So you probably heard that the Boy Scouts have changed their policy on gays in their paramilitary organization. It’s OK to be a gay boy scout now, but it’s not OK to be a gay den mother or pack leader or whatever the hell they call it (sorry, but one of the may things I definitely have never been is a boy scout). So you can be gay but you can’t grow up to run your own club. On the bright side, you can now grow up and join the real military if you’re into that sort of thing. Thankfully, the Mormons have given their approval to the new policy, because if there’s one group whose opinions I care about, it’s the Mormons. Well, and the Scientologists, too.

In other news, apparently Obama was a big hit last night at the White House Correspondents Dinner (which I keep seeing abbreviated as WHCD, and I keep thinking their talking about a radio station – which, by way, I looked up and there isn’t one). I haven’t seen any of it, though I couldn’t avoid hearing a couple of audio clips as I drove to make my weekly (actually now that I get to work from home two days a week, it’s become bi-weekly) trip for vittles and gas. I don’t know if he did any jokes about poor people getting screwed over by the sequester as he signed the “make or flights run on time” bill into law. That’s something the folks at that dinner would probably really yuck it up over.

Oh well, another nice sunny day here. Time to get out and not do much.