I’m officially putting amputation on the table when it comes to my foot. By the end of the day yesterday, it was so swollen and painful, I could only laugh as I hobbled out to my car. I’m the sort of person who really hates to draw attention to myself, so I felt particularly ridiculous (not that anybody else would give a shit, I’m sure). This was only made worse by my decision to go get a new set of tires for the car after work (the thought of waiting ’til the weekend, driving 40 miles round trip per day on the really crappy ones I had was just too scary a thought – and I don’t generally scare all that easy; I must be getting old).

I was able to get an “appointment” for five o’clock, but what with it being the last day of the month and everybody apparently trying to get their last minute NY State inspections in, I wound up sitting there (on a beautiful warm and sunny day) for an hour and 45 minutes before I could finally start my 35 minute drive home. All the while, I could feel my foot swelling up more and more. And I couldn’t even go walk around outside, ‘cuz my foot hurt so bad. So instead I sat there and watched the same half-hour lo-cal news three and a half times. Pretty sucky.

On the bright side, it’s nice to know I have four good tires again – though I’d just as soon have been able to use the money for something “fun.” Or at least on a vet bill (been racking them up pretty good lately).

So, being horizontal for a few hours helped the foot some (slightly less swollen, but it still feel like somebody is jamming an ice pick in it whenever I bend my big toe up or down – which makes it hurt to drive, let alone walk). And I can feel it swelling up in my shoe as I sit here at my desk in this dark cave of an office.

To make matters worse, this is stupid meeting day, and as the last couple were cancelled, I’m not holding out hope that we won’t have one today. So that’ll be a thrill.

On the bright side, I got a really good night’s sleep last night. One of the best I’ve had in quite a while (by my standards, at least; I long for the days when I could sleep a whole night through – though I suppose I’ll be entering the eternal sleep soon enough, so I ought to make the most of my awake time while I have it).

Except for work, which I wish I could just sleep through.