Happy Birthday to one of the top three nations (not counting the indigenous ones) in North America. 237 years ago, our founding fathers and their slaves aspired to form a more perfect union. Today, we aspire to be Canada. Or I do, anyway. Not that Canada is perfect (they’re not all that great with their First Peoples either, for one thing), but they at least seem to kill a lot less of each other and they have health care and stuff.

Not much going on around here today. It’s too hot and humid to do more than jump in the pool every now and again (my wife appears to have aspirations of doing some stuff, but I can’t really see myself cooperating much).

On the bright side, my right foot, while not perfect is much improved. On the not so bright side, the Achilles tendon on my left leg is inflamed for some reason, and my whole foot is swollen and in pain. Better today (by the end of the day yesterday, I could barely walk), but just walking around a little has it stiffening up. Kinda sucks. By the time they let me retire, I’ll probably be completely crippled.

Anyhow, enjoy the day today, try not to blow your fingers off with fireworks, and get ready to get back to work tomorrow. Well, I have to work tomorrow, anyway. At least it’s home work day.