No matter what color your Santa is, or whether you’re celebrating the birth of baby Jesus, having a pleasant day with friends and/or family, being guilted into visiting the in-laws, or are just happy to have a day off (assuming you don’t work at a hospital or a movie theatre or a 7/11 or something), I hope your day is merry. Around here, the moon isn’t full but it’s very bright, illuminating all the snow on the ground and in the trees (so I guess Santa left Rudolph in the barn last night). It’s also a balmy three degrees (above) out there. It’s quite Norman Rockwell looking.

Oops, spoke too soon. Either clouds just moved in or somebody turned off the moon. The plows appear to be out, so I guess we got some more snow last night (or they’re just salting the hell out of the roads – not that the salt does much when it’s this cold).

Anyhow, whatever it is you’re up to (or not) today, have a good one.