So I was perusing the headlines yesterday, and caught one that said something to the effect of “Marijuana cookie bought in Colo. pot shop blamed in Wyoming student’s suicide jump” which if nothing else is a really long headline. Sounded like bullshit to me, and I didn’t bother to read the story, but I saw another headline today that said “Student Dies in Colorado Fall After Eating Pot Cookie“.

“This was not a suicide, and he was not a regular drug user,” said Michelle Weiss-Samaras, a spokesperson for the Denver coroner’s office.

So, so much for the whole suicide thing. Still, it proves marijuana is a killer. I know I’d feel much better if he’d been drunk when he fell.

Then I was watching the teevee last night and I saw a commercial for something or other that had Jennifer Garner asking, “what if you could shrink your pores just by washing your face?”

Wait, what? Why the hell would I want to shrink the size of my pores? Aren’t they, like, the size they’re supposed to be? Personally, I don’t think you ought to be fiddling with the size of your pores – it could interfere with your ability to sweat.

So you probably heard that SCOTUS did away with the aggregate limits on campaign contributions yesterday. Let’s hear it for our democracy: One Dollar, One Vote.

Oh well, back to work.