Yesterday afternoon I found myself home alone, which is a good opportunity for me to crank tunes (and cook a week’s worth of food). So on comes “The Circle Game” which I’ve of course heard a million times before but when I listened to

We’re captive on the carousel of time
We can’t return we can only look behind
From where we came
… they tell him,
Take your time, it won’t be long now
Till you drag your feet to slow the circles down

I thought to myself, “goddamn, that’s depressing.” I mean, seriously, I felt like crying. ‘Cuz, like, the song stops when the kid’s 20, but I, sadly, didn’t stop when I was 20 and I know how this song really ends, and dragging your feet doesn’t slow those goddamn circles down one bit. Plus I can’t figure out how come while I know I’m not getting any taller, the floor keeps getting farther away.

Oh well, whattya gonna do?

After becoming thoroughly disgusted with the Working Families Party over their sellout to Governor Snotball back in October, I decided to change my party registration. So I printed out the form, addressed it to my local BOE, and promptly set it down on my desk and forgot about it. No idea where it went – the cat probably chewed it up, because when she’s not busy puking or knocking everything off my desk onto the floor, she likes to chew up any paper that looks important.

Then I went to the NY State DMV website to see if I could find out if there was a way to see what the progress was in sending me my permanent car registration and title (apparently there is not), and damned if I wasn’t able to change my party affiliation right there.

The quandary, of course, is to figure out what party to register for. I was going to go back to the Democrats so I could vote in the primary, but then I remembered that the Democrats are the party of Andy Cuomo and I just couldn’t do it. If Howard Dean was still DNC chair, I’d go for it, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.

I dislike the Democrats almost as much as I do the Republicans (but nowhere near as much as the teabaggers), and while I would be proud to vote for Bernie Sanders, let’s face it. By the time the NY Primary rolls around, it’s gonna all be over already, and whoever wins the most delegates between hog callin’ contest in Iowa and whatever it is they do in New Hampshire while supporting whatever Israel does down in Florida will have the whole thing sown up.

We don’t really have local primaries where I live (shit, we’re lucky if we actually get more than one person to vote for in the General), so I took the lazy way out and registered with the Green Party (which is about as useful as registering “no preference”). So maybe Ralph Nader will run again or something.

Either way, we either wind up with a horrible Republican or a slightly less horrible “Democrat.” And we go round and round and round.