It’s only Wednesday, yet it’s been a traumatic week for me (somewhat tempered by the fact that it’s been nicely warm – we’re supposed to get to the 70s today, for the first time since last September). First there was the dreaded afternoon training session for me on Monday. Not the worst thing I’ve ever been through, but still a bit of a mind-numb waste of four-and-a-half hours. If I’m going to spend half a day not doing work, I’d prefer to do it at home.

Yesterday started off well, inasmuch as I took the day. Sadly, it was in preparation for a visit to the doctor where I was talked into (among other things) a tetanus shot (my arm is still kinda sore today, but I’ve had worse). Other than my BP being ridiculously high (and it’s been fine at home, where I take it twice a day – I made sure to bring in a copy of the spreadsheet I keep track of it in), I am apparently in reasonably good health for an old fat guy who drinks too much beer. So that was fairly good news – but the whole process is still pretty traumatic for me. And she keeps insisting that I get a colonoscopy, which I’m really not up for (plus I’ll have to find somebody willing to take me).

Then this morning as I’m trying to get my shot together to leave the house, I opened up the fridge and entire container of cherry tomatoes (and half of a diced onion) came flying out at me. OK, that’s more of a pain in the ass than trauma, but it was still annoying. Plus I have to work today, always sucks but somehow seems worse when the weather’s nice.

And Trump seems to have won, like, everything yesterday. I’m still trying to decide if that’s bad news, or terrible news. I mean, much as I can’t stand the guy, Cruz is worse. But they’d both be horrible not just for the country and the world, but for me, personally (which is really what it’s all about).

What horrors can possibly arise tomorrow?