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Morning Seditionists

Tuesday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on June 20, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 183 Comments

I thought I saw Marine One on my way into work yesterday morning. It looked like it was headed toward the Mayflower Hotel. Rumor has it dubya was headed over to ask Laura to express his anal gands. Unfortunately, Laura remains expressionless.

Nice to hear (thanks to KP) that the people over at AAR finally know who Marc Maron is. It certainly seems as if they have an awful lot of “technical problems” when it comes to the Marc show. It’s as if nobody really knows what going on – or at least that the people who need to make things happen (whoever the hell that might be; I have a feeling it’s the remnants of the “team” that Goldberg brought in to help kill the network) drag their feet and nothing gets done until enough people bitch about it. So, might as well keep bitching. I feel bad for the poor people who have to answer the phone, and I’m grateful to people like Jon Sinton and Doug Kreeger, who I think really do want to see Marc syndicated. But hopefully continued pressure will motivate whoever the hell it is that needs to get motivated to fix these “technical difficulties,” and whatever else they need to do get the show on road, so to speak.

Happy Tuesday.

46 to go.

Monday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on June 19, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 162 Comments

Ah, another weekend over. Time to get back to calling and writing AAR to get the Marc Maron Show syndicated, on satellite radio, and on the air in at least the top 76 US radio markets (you win a prize if you can guess which one is #76). It’s also time to work on getting another week over with. It’s the triple H’s here all week – hot, hazy, and humid. Oy.

If you happen to be lurking here from Air America, wondering why it would be a good idea to get Marc syndicated, here’s a list of where visitors to our little, unofficial, and totally unaffiliated-with-AAR website have come from in six months it’s been here:

(you’ll have to scroll down a bit, because there’s almost 300 freakin’ regions around the world where our posters and lurkers come from) . And if you haven’t seen the map of where people who signed the “Keep Marc” petition (that was so rudely ignored) came from, you might want to have a look here (keep in mind, that’s not a flag for every signature – just one for every town that had at least one signature, and only the ones who indicated a location). AAR blew it bigtime with Morning Sedition. Let’s not keep blowing, huh?

Happy Monday everybody.

Bobblehead Thread

Posted by pjsauter on June 18, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 79 Comments

Well, what do these people have in store for us today? On Press the Meet, the Potatoheaded one has Jack Murtha, and then, if you’re gonna get screwed, you gotta have lube, so Shell President John Hofmeister, ConocoPhillips CEO James Mulva, and Chevron CEO David O’Reilly will be on to tell us how it’s all supply and demand, and never mind those record profits and outrageous CEO salaries.

On Faze the Nation, Tony Snowjob reminisces on his visit to Baghdad with dear leader, and then we’ll try to tell the difference between Lindsay Graham and Joe Biden (hint, Graham is the more effeminate one).

ABC has the World Cup (USA, USA, USA…), so we’ll have to get by without George Snufalufagus “this week.” Go rent “The War Room” if you want to see him – it’s nice to have a movie with a happy ending (so to speak).

It’s more Snow in June as Tony “the Job” heads over to chat with Weaselface Wallace on Fux News Sunday. Then John Podesta and Simon Rosenberg will dispense some conventional wisdom on how the Dems can win back the House (since they’ve been so goddamn right about everything up ’til now).

On CNN’s Späte Ausgabe mit Wolf Blitzer, it’s :omg: more Snow in June! Plus the Kansas ashole himself, Pat Roberts, DINO Dianne Feinstein, Iraq’s foreign minister, Hoshyar Zebari, former Sec State, Lawrence Eagleburger, and Zbigniew Brzezinski (gesundheit).

Later, on 60 Minutes, Bob Simon goes swimming with the sharks, Ed Bradley does a story on those evil environmentalists and animal rights groups (they’re the “biggest domestic terror threat,” docha know), and then Morley Safer talks to Texas gubernatorial candidate Kinky Friedman.

The new season of The Dead Zone begins on USA at 10:00 PM Eastern. And if you’ve got HBO, you can watch Deadwood.

Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there, and Happy 64 to Paul McCartney. Enjoy your Sunday.

Saturday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on June 17, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 221 Comments

Another weekend in DC. News from indside the beltway is that Laura is tired of George fooling around with Condi, and has moved into the Mayflower Hotel (it’s been confirmed, supposedly, by a Mayflower staffer, that Laura spent at least one night at the hotel). I heard that Laura kicked George out of the White House for a night, which is why he went to Baghdad.

Otherwise, things are quiet, hot, and humid here, with the temperatures supposed to be in the nineties – and the humidity even higher. No swamp coolers here. I think I’ll see if I can make my way to Great Falls VA today, and hang out. If I do, I’ll try and take some pictures (I took some before, but they’re the same goddamn things you’ve seen a million times – the Capitol Dome, Wasington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, yada, yada, yada; really no point in posting them) and post them somewhere.

So, I think we’ve gotten some people’s attention over at AAR. People like Jon Sinton and Doug Kreeger are already Maron fans, but hopefully calling and writing AAR is helping to give them the ammunition they need to move things along. If you write, be polite and coherent, and if you write to Kreeger and Sinton specifically, it wouldn’t hurt to mention that you appreciate their efforts. But let’s keep pushing this until we get some results – not just for us, but for AAR.

The two former CEOs screwed things up considerably, and it’s time things got set right. It won’t be right unless we, the listeners, are a part of it. That’s what bozo’s like Ed Schultz don’t get. “We the People” need to take back our airwaves, as well as our government. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that we can’t do the latter until we do the former. And “We the People” are a helluva lot more than rich, white, male landowners or “Donna Reed” households with a mommy, daddy and 1.2 children. We’re all colors and creeds and shapes and sizes. We’re single parents, we’re two mommys, we’re two daddys, or we’re a “village.” We’re all that, and everything in between. Fuck these intolerant assholes who think they have a corner on what’s “right” for America. We are America. And we are Air America.

So c’mon you lurkers who never post, get out there and join the fight! And you regulars who haven’t called/emailed/faxed/written – you get going, too.

As for me, I’m gonna go hiking. We’re under 50 – 49 to go. Have a good Saturday.

Friday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on June 16, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 348 Comments

Oh boy, it’s Friday. Today is the six month anniversary of the last Morning Sedition show, which aired on a very snowy day (in Syracuse, anyway) – December 16, 2005. Yes, I must admit, I shed a few tears that day. Marc’s mom made me (and Marc) cry a bit, and when Marc choked on “geniuses, philosoper kings….” and couldn’t finish it, a tear fell, too. Morning Sedition – that cast of characters, the time of day, everything it had become – was a once in a lifetime thing. It will never be duplicated, and it ended too soon. So, Brendan, Matt, Kent, Little Goliath, John Crimmings, Jim, Pashman, Barry, Chip, Lucy, Newsdaddy, Marc, Mark, K-Lo, Shelley, Trent, and everybody else that made Morning Sedition possible, we miss you dearly, but are so thankful to you for making it a little bit – hell, a lot – easier to get out of bed and face that neo-con death cult, Christo-fascist zombie brigade world in which we live.

Enjoy your Friday everybody, and don’t forget to respectfully pester a few AAR people if you get a chance. 50 to go.

Thursday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on June 15, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 195 Comments

Here’s a quote from yesterday’s Marc blog:

Just know that this show is the red headed stepchild of AAR and KTLK. We’re kinda on our own out here. I have no news on syndication. I’m just trying to stay focused. I really have no control over this stuff.

OK, it’s time to motivate the Seditonists again. Back when they kept promising a Marc show on KTLK and missing start date after start date – not even securing a goddamn studio for the show – we started calling and e-mailing, and the show finally got on the air. Many of us stay up to listen to the show in realtime (or what used to be realtime, now it’s just offical broadcast time, I guess). Others joined premium just for Marc and Jim. Still others paid for software and jumped through all kinds of hoops just to hear the show. We’ve dealt with Clippers games, lousy streams, Rock Honda commercials, and every other goddamn thing they could throw at us. We thought the end of the Danny Goldberg era would be an improvement.

We were happy to get Marc on the air again – the show is the best thing they’ve got going, even if they don’t realize it – and we’ve been patient. But goddamn it, it’s time for them to stop jerking Marc – and us – around. AAR has consistently taken its listeners for granted. They’ve acted a lot like the Democratic Party, in fact, telling us we’d better take what they shovel us, because they’re all we have.

Well fuck it. It’s time to start calling and e-mailing again. It’s time AAR stopped jerking Marc – and us – around. Let’s start calling AAR, demanding that they syndicate the show. We know from Kristapea that the Phoenix affiliate wants the show. I have no doubt that others do, too – or would, if AAR would actively shop the show around. Let’s get the Marc Maron Show on as many stations as possible. Let’s get it on XM, or Sirius (or both). Let’s be a pain in the ass of the suits at AAR until the Marc Show is on more stations than all the other AAR shows combined!

AAR Contact Info is on this page. It’s old, so if anybody has new info, feel free to post it or pass it along to me. You can always e-mail me at my user name here, at morningseditionists.com.

Call AAR. Call the sponsors. Call your local affiliates, if you have one.

Let’s have everybody – posters and lurkers alike – keep calling and writing until we get some action. We have visitors from all over the world – by the end of June, we’ll have had 100,000 visitors since Dec, 2005. We may not have enough clout to get an Alito filibuster, but goddamn it, there are enough people visiting this site every day to be a major pain in the ass to AAR (and its sponsors). So, let’s be a major pain in the ass. As always, be polite – but be honest and clear about your feelings. If you’re an AAR premium member or associate, don’t forget to mention it.

After you call, don’t forget to post your experience here. If you get an e-mail response, please share it with the rest of us.

Free Marc!

51 to go.

Wednesday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on June 14, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 177 Comments

What a week or so for the Bushies! First Zarkawi’s rather pristine-looking (considering the half-ton’s worth of bombs supposedly dropped on it) body gets paraded around, then Karl Goebbels, er, I mean, Rove apparently is off the hook for destroying the career of who knows how many CIA operatives, and then dear leader majestically swoops down on Baghdad (too bad they didn’t give him an exciting ride down Route Irish) for a visit. Plus, the Jebster gets to look all exectuive-like, in charge during the firs tropical storm of the season. Is this the beginning of the comeback? Are the sheeple stupid enough to suddenly say, “you know what, everything’s just fucking great afterall?” Beats me, I don’t know. All I do know is that I’ve got 52 days to go. Happy hump day, y’all.

Tuesday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on June 13, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 160 Comments

So, what’s up with Alberto this morning – I haven’t had a chance to check. If you’re anyhwere near the path, stay safe. So what’s up with the Daily Show this week? Freakin’ Tom Friedman last night (like he hasn’t been on teevee enough), tonight it’s Ken “I’m not gay” Mehlman, and tomorrow it’s Mr Potatohead, Timmuh Russert. These people have all been on before, and I see no reason to have them on again, personally. Oh well, time to get up and get in the shower before all the other kids get up. 53 to go.

Monday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on June 12, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 125 Comments

Back in my crappy little bed, in my crappy little dorm room. It was a great weekend though, and great to be home. Coming back was a little tough, but my wife was with me (in my ear, via the cell phone – thank goodness for the free cell-cell calls) from PA until I parked the car. The trip, thankfully, was event-free, and I made it from door to door in 6 hours and 3 minutes. Not too shabby.

Not much else to say, except 54 days to go. Have a good Monday.

Sunday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on June 11, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 258 Comments

What with trying to catch up my gutter cleaning, I haven’t had much chance to look at who’s on the bobbleheads this week, but here’s a quick rundown:

Press the Meet has retired general Barry McCaffrey, Markos Moulitsas (aka Kos), Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter, Amy Walter of the Cook Report, and the National Review’s Byron the dork York.

Faze the Nation didn’t have their web page update, and it wasn’t worth it to me to try and find out who was on.

On This Weak with George Snufalufagus, it’s L. Paul Bremer, Republican asshole from NY, Tom Reynolds, Rahm Emanuel from Illinois, Token Zakaria, Donna Brazile, George :jerk: Will, and for god only knows what reason, they’re giving airtime to Grover fucking Norquist.

Fux News and their weasel faced host have general George Casey, plus asshole Newt Gingrich, DINO Jane Harman, and complete asshole Dan Senor.

CNN? Who gives a shit.

Later, on 60 Minutes, Bob Simon does a story on the Hobbit archaeologists found, Lesley Stahl looks at Plan B from Outer Space, Mike Wallace (I thought he was retiring) looks at the Tony awards, and And Rooney will whine about something or other.

No Sopranos tonight, but the third season premiere of Deadwood is on for those of you with HBO.

As for me, I’m sad to say I’ll be hitting the road by 3 PM or so, hoping to get to DC between 9:30 and 10:00 (depending on the traffic; hopefully not much later). I’m not looking forward to the drive, much less the arrival. But, it was great to be home for a couple of days. You did a pretty good job asking the traffic gods to help me out on Thursday, so I’d appreciate it if you could ask for smooth sailing tonight, too. Shit, I really don’t wanna go.

Damn. Who’s choppin’ onions?