I did something this morning that I’ve been putting off for a while – I changed my NYS Voter Registration party preference back to “Democrat.” Mostly so I could vote in the upcoming (which isn’t for, like, a year and a half or something) NYS Democratic primary for President. To be honest, the way NYS works, even this far ahead of time, I don’t know if I’ll actually be able to vote in it. But we’ll see.

I forget exactly when I switched. The last one I voted in, I voted for Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama, once again proving that my vote is the kiss of death, though of course by the time NY gets to vote it’s all over but the cryin’ anyway, so voting in the NYS primary is kind of an exercise in futility.

I forget exactly what it was, but the Democrats did something or other to piss me off (maybe it was when they said single-payer healthcare was “off the table” or something), so in a fit of pique I switched to the the Working Families Party, who never really gave me anybody to vote for in a primary, but at least came by the house one time and got me to sign a petition to get somebody or other on the ballot. But then they endorsed Andy Cuomo over Zephyr Teachout the same year that Gov. Snotball got in touch with his inner George Pataki and basically called Civil Servants a bunch of leeches on society and decided we not only weren’t deserving of raises but should be happy to give the State a no-interest loan by way of a couple weeks pay furlough (still holding a grudge on that one Andy, but if you hurry up and legalize pot so I can catch a buzz and watch the sun set this summer, we’ll call it even), and I decided to part ways with the WFP and jump to the Greens (hey, if your vote is worthless, make it REALLY worthless, right?).

Other than the Presidential campaign, we don’t really have anybody to vote for in the primaries around here, and by the time it occurred to me to switch my affiliation back over, it was always too late (seriously, I’m not sure how long it takes, but it’s, like over a year – NY is very odd that way, which is why there ought to be “open” primaries IMHO, but that’s another issue altogether). And you can’t just “edit” your party preference, you have to fill out the whole stupid form again as if it’s a brand new voter registration, which always makes me nervous that something will happen and I won’t be able to vote at all. Or something. I don’t know.

But now (and for a while, I guess) you can do it online through the DMV, so I finally did it. And in a year or so, I might even find out if it worked.

Assuming it did, I’ll need to figure out who to vote for, and I’m not endorsing anybody just yet (no doubt all the candidates are on pins and needles, waiting for the coveted PJS endorsement) – though I think we can all agree that, all things being equal, the nation would be a better place with a Syracuse guy at the helm.

Much as I love Uncle Joe, I’m not sure I’m sold on him as a candidate (and at this point he’s not actually running, so there’s that). He’d make a great candidate for Ombudsman, though, and after Trump I really think the US could use one of those to go around the planet and make nice with the people who used to like us but hate our guts now.

“They” (whoever they are) seem to be saying that Biden would be a “safe” establishment choice for all those people who have come to the conclusion that Trump is nuts, but that aren’t ready to vote for some scary woman or a socialist or whatever it is they’re trying to paint the other 43 (so far) candidates that are running. Of course as soon as it was Biden, they’d be painting him as a plagiarizing buffoon.

Basically, no matter who the Democratic candidate is, the Republicans will label them as a crazy commie and the “liberal” media will bend over backwards to make him or her seem the same as Trump.

So, my fellow Democrats (assuming my registration actually gets changed), how’s about we ignore all the bobbleheads and concern trolls and the “electability” horseshit and vote for whoever it is that you think stands for what you stand for, and that you think will do the best job? And then when it turns out to be somebody else, make nice and don’t talk shit about them (looking at you, Susan Sarandon!).

Because the courts are already trashed for the rest of my life and we can’t afford more Trump. And in case you haven’t noticed roughly 40% of the people in this country suck and they’ll all get out and vote for this asshole again, so the other 60% of us can’t be fucking around this time.