Well, shit, I haven’t got much to say this morning, but I missed the entire month of June (you can tell by all the comments that everybody was really bummed about that), so I suppose I ought to at least say hello. Hello. Also, Joe Biden is the devil – just wanna get that out there. Bernie Sanders, too, of course, but that goes without saying. The more I hear from Kamala Harris, the more I really want Elizabeth Warren to be the Democratic nominee. I hope that’s OK. I saw a critique of one or two of those debate reality teevee shows, and had to laugh at one that said something to the effect that “Sanders was good but short on specifics.” And I thought, um, couldn’t you pretty much say that about all of them? Except for Warren (and, you know, in a 47 person debate format, I don’t know that anybody gets a chance to get specific about much of anything). But, hey, if electing a US President was ever about “specifics” in the past, it sure as hell hasn’t been for a long time now, which I suppose is why Warren doesn’t have a chance. It’s all about sound bites and catch phrases and twitterations. As Jackson Browne wrote,

They sell us the President the same way
They sell us our clothes and our cars
They sell us every thing from youth to religion
The same time they sell us our wars

Well they sure sold us a gold orange plated steaming pile of shit last time around, didn’t they?

So, anyway, just let me know who I’m supposed to vote for so we can get this asshole out of office and the Republicans can go back to being deeply concerned about the Constitution and the separation of powers and the deficit and all that happy horseshit. If it’s OK with Putin, of course.

As for what’s going on down there south of border down Mexico way, well, it’s better if I don’t think about that. I’ve been taking my blood pressure pills but there’s no point pushing it. If there’s anything “good” about it, it at least exposes the “right to life” bullshit for the hypocrisy it is (not that it wasn’t already perfectly clear to anybody who was willing to pay attention). These evangelical douchebags don’t care about “life” or “the children” – oh, we can’t have a President diddling an intern (not that I consider that to have been acceptable behavior myself, mind you, but nobody came out of that one looking particularly morally superior) because “what do we tell the CHILDREN!” – or “motherhood” or “family values.” Shit, if apples came from Mexico, they’d shit all over apple pie, too. OK, well, they do grow apples in Mexico, but you get the point.

Anyhow, if you’re down around Dee Cee today, don’t forget to stop by the Lincoln Memorial and see the OTHER great Republican (most would say THE GREATEST Republican. “He’s great because he freed the slaves and got shot in the head. I like people that didn’t free the slaves and get shot in the head, okay?”) give a stirring all-American speech in front of a couple of parked tanks or whatever it is that’s going on down there.

As for the rest of you, lay off the fuckin’ fireworks, OK? It scares the dog.