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Morning Seditionists

Monday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on October 20, 2008
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Ordinarily, I wouldn’t be quite so bummed about going to work today, ‘cuz I’m supposed to be at my favorite location. Unfortunately, I have to attend some stupid training on some crap I have no interest in, and really have nothing to do with. Not just today, but tomorrow and Wednesday as well. This really blows, but that’s life, I guess. Beats being a redneck republican plumber in Ohio.

Booblehead Thread

Posted by pjsauter on October 19, 2008
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On Press the Meat today, McCain cheerleader Mushmouth Brokaw hosts Colin Powell. Will he endorse a candidate? Tune in to find out, or just stay tuned into the blogosphere, and find out w/o having to endure the show itself because otherwise you’ll also be subjected to Chuck Todd, David “douchebag” Brooks, Jon Meacham, Andrea Mitchell and Joe Scarborough.

Over at CBS, the least suck of the debate moderators, Bob Schieffer has VA Gov Tim Kaine, FL Rep Debbie Wasserman Schultz, dickhead Missouri Gov Matt Blunt, washed up former congress critter, Rob Portman, and Danny “got no” Balz of the WaPost.

On Fux News Sunday, Weaselface Wallace hosts grumpy old John McCain, plus the regular fuxheads.

It’s a rather pathetic lineup on the Goebbels network This Weak, as George Snufalufagus hosts an “all star” panel of disgraced lunatic Newt Gingrich, Thomas “my head is flat” Friedman, David Gergen, political mastermind Donna Brazile, and the dean of SUnday morning wanking, George :jerk: Will.

CNN’s Late Emission includes Claire McCaskill, Roy Blunt redux, famous transvestite and all aroudn sleazeball Guidy Ruliani, Alabama Rep Artur Davis, Ed Lazear (who actually admits to being the Chairman of the Whit House Council on Economic Advisers), republican shills Alex Castellanos (isn’t he Homer on the Simpsons?) and Leslie “dirty” Sanchez, and former RIAA mouthpiece and current Political Director and Washington Editor at Large for Huffingtonpost.com, Hilary Rosen.

Later, on 60 Minutes, it’s the very watchable Lara Logan reporting from a forward operating base near Pakistan, Lesley Stahl asks bankers how great it is to be bailed out by the federal government, and Bob Simon does a story about bullfighting brothers Cayetano and Francisco Ordonez (how proud they must be to inflict pain and suffering on animals).

Some folks may not be aware that Berkeley Breathed has decided to do away with his character Opus. There’s an interview with him in Salon about it, and this exchange sums up the whole booblehead thing perfectly:

Your children’s books seem to appeal to your gentler, Charles Schulz side. But how — without Opus — will you exercise your Michael Moore side?

I’ll be on my couch Sunday mornings screaming at Brokaw and Stephanopoulos to call out the blathering bastards on their stupid fucking talking points and pin the dancing, lying, spinning Tasmanian Weasels down about something, ANYTHING for Christ Bloody Sake THE COUNTRY IS GETTING STEERED INTO CHAOS AND INSOLVENCY AND WAR BY ITS UNREAD UNINFORMED DULLARD SHEEP CONSTITUENCIES AND YOU JUST LET THE CANDIDATE SAY ONE MORE TIME WITHOUT OBJECTION THAT HE’S GOING TO CUT TAXES WHILE HE CALLS FOR FREE 24 KARAT GOLD FRANKFURTERS TO BE INSERTED INTO EVERY AMERICAN’S ASS JUST BECAUSE BUTT BULLION POLLS WELL.

You see right there why I can’t have Opus involved with this anymore.

Have a good one.


Posted by Sue P on October 18, 2008
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Saturday, again, and Siggy and Fritz have failed to wake PJ. My dogs also slept late because the sky didn’t even begin to lighten until nearly 7 a.m. However, Clifford the cat is not so easily lulled into a late morning. He was on the job and, with his usual directness, jumped on me and took a stroll. Now they are all fed.

Lately the wingnuts, who are neither as straight forward or handsome as Cliff, have been letting us know that they are the only true patriots. Sarah is happy to be visiting the pro-American parts of the country and Congressmember Michele Bachmann, who undoubtedly represents one of those happy areas, wants the press to investigate her colleagues who lean left, for their unamerican activities. I think we’ve done this before and I don’t remember it being much fun. But at least it led to adding a new word to the dictionary: Mccarthyism.

And, the Rethugs are reminding us why the thug part of that word is so descriptive with their ACORN accusations that, far from protecting democracy, are designed to thwart it.

Can’t blame PJ for putting off waking to all this.

Have a good one!

Friday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on October 17, 2008
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This has been a long damn week. I’m glad it’s just about over.

Thursday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on October 16, 2008
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OK, I was up too late to be even slightly coherent this morning, but a quick review of last night’s debate tells me that Obama “won” by the largest margins yet. So let’s vote already and get this over with.

Wednesday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on October 15, 2008
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Here it is, the night we’ve been waiting for, for what seems like years now – the final presidential debate of 2008. Tonight’s debate takes place at 9:00 PM Eastern time from the campus of Hofstra University. I can’t imagine how tonight’s ceremonies can actually change anybody’s mind, barring something really odd happening. Like maybe McCain flipping out and having his cheek lump explode, or Obama saying, “yeah, you know what, I am a fuckin’ Arab terrorist, and I’m still a better candidate than this pathetic, crazy old half dead miserable son-of-a-bitch you dumbass Republicans nominated.”

But that would be both interesting and fun to watch, and if we’ve learned anything from the first two debates, it’s that there’ll be none of that.

At any rate, much like a train wreck, I just won’t be able to look away. For those of you who feel the same way, the Debate Chat Room will be open for the festivities. Hope to see you all there.

Tuesday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on October 14, 2008
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So, I was reading this story last night which says, in part,

…pundits and media commentators are scratching their heads over the lack of direction – indeed, the near schizophrenic judgment – of the McCain campaign.

Well, what’s to scratch your head over? McCain is unbalanced, suffering from both PTSD and an Oedipus complex. Add to that the fact that he was pretty much an asshole to begin with, and it isn’t particularly surprising that both he and his campaign are (to quote Little Feat) “off their rockers, acting crazy.”

The only surprising thing is that the media managed to carry water for McCain for so long. I suppose that as long as he was just crazy old grampa from crazy old Arizona with the rich trophy wife, it was enough slop down his barbecue, and chuckle along with his “maverick” behavior. Now poor crazy John is out there for all to see, and it aint pretty.

I only wish I could believe that he won’t actually get appointed to the Presidency. I know the polls are looking pretty good right now, but the margins in the swing states are still more than within stealable margins. It’s just hard to forget that they have voter suppression in the works on multiple fronts, and there are always those electronic voting machines in their favor, too.

Let’s just hope McCain continues to implode over the next three weeks.

Monday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on October 13, 2008
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I used to think it was kind of dumb to have Columbus Day be a holiday, what with him not actually discovering anything, and all the stories they told us in school (like that everybody but brave Columbus thought the world was flat back then and whatnot) being bullshit. But, when you think about it, it’s kind of perfect.

The Columbus’ marketing department sells us the story that Columbus was was a discoverer, adventurer, visionary – even hero. In reality, he was a mass-murderer, rapist, and greedy miser out to make himself rich while claiming to be a good Christian.

If that’s not a fitting symbol for what this country has become, I don’t know what is. Besides, a day off is a day off.

Booblehead Thread

Posted by pjsauter on October 12, 2008
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It’s economy day on Press the Meat today, with NJ Gov Jon Corzine, and McCain lackey and former Bush Budget Director Rob Portman. Then, at the roundtable, it’s CNBC economic “expert” (and former Goldman Sachs analyst) Erin Burnett, conservative chowderhead Paul Gigot, CNBC’s John Harwood and (get ready to take a drink, Vernon) Ted Koppel.

Over at Faze the Nation, Bush buddy Bobby Schieffer drags li’l Lindsey Graham out of his closet, plus there’s Colorado Gov Bill Ritter, Richmond Mayor Doug Wilder, some cracker from Florida named Adam Putnam, and Henry Kissinger protege C. Fred Bergsten, Director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

On Fux News Sunday, Weaselface Wallace hosts Grampy McCain’s campaign manager Rick Davis, his counterpart in the Obama campaign, David Axelrod, MN Gov Tim “nothing wrong with that bridge” Pawlenty, and PA Gov Ed Rendell. Plus there’ll be the usual fuxheads.

At the Goebbels network, George Snufalufagus has former Clinton Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, plus the man who saved us from being burdened with an Al Gore Presidency, James Baker. Then it’s the ever entertaining Barney Frank, and the ever annoying Roy Blunt, on to debate the “political fallout of the economic crisis.” On the “Roundtable,” it’s the WaPost’s Dan “got no” Balz, the NY Times’ Paul Krugman, Cokie “the hag” Roberts and George :jerk: Will.

CNN’s Late Emission is hosted by former U-Boat Commander Wold Blitzer. What more information do you need?

Later, on 60 Minutes, Armen Keteyian (I thought he was a sports guy) reports on the FBI undercover agent who infiltrated the Gambino family. Lesley Stahl reports on “weaponry so advanced that it spots the enemy and destroys it from nearly two miles above the battlefield” (makes you proud to be an American, don’t it?), which was used last year in “the fight for Sadr City.” And Morley Safer goes to Tuscany, Italy to drink wine. Nice work if you can get it.

And I get to stay up late tonight and watch all the HBO and Showtime stuff that I usually have to record and watch later, because, in honor of that great human being Chris Columbus, I don’t have to go to work tomorrow.

Have a good Sunday, y’all. And if you go to see The Express, bring a box of hankies with you.

Saturday Thread

Posted by Sue P on October 11, 2008
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PJ is obviously enjoying a late morning, though how his dogs are allowing this I do not know. Mine would never allow such a thing. They start early waking me up and if that doesn’t work, the cats join in. It is not possible to sleep with a dog pawing you and a cat using you as a runway. Better to get up and feed them than to try to pretend you are sleeping.

I’m sure McCain would like to sleep late today. That’s got to be better than waking up to a day of defending Sarah after the Troopergate report found she had abused her powers. She did this by allowing Todd to use her office to promote his personal vendetta against her brother in law. The Palins do seem to have problems keeping their personal and political lives separate.

What really struck me was McInane telling the crazies that Obama is a decent man of whom they need not be afraid. I guess today he can just say, “Don’t believe anything I say. I’m just trying to win n election.”

PJ, you’d better feed those dogs!

Have a good one, everyone.