Yesterday really blew, wind-wise. We didn’t lose power at work, but when I came home for lunch, I found the clocks blinking, so I reckon the power was out there. Siggy doesn’t like storms, and even high winds scare the hell out of him. Power failures, too. Especially when the UPS in my office downstairs (where he hangs out during the day) and the one in Granny’s office upstairs start beeping. He must’ve been terrified yesterday, and when I got home at lunch, I found that he’d managed to lock himself in the tiny little bathroom off the kitchen (it’s literally too small for him to stand in if he keeps his tail straight). I don’t know how long he was trapped in there, but the whole room was full of dog slobber. Poor boy. Then, when I got home after work, I realized one of our circuit breakers had tripped, so my UPS was dead (and Sedition Radio was off the air). It’s always something.

Arkansas GOP cracker Kim Hendren has apologized for the way he referred to that Jew Senator of mine. Not that being a Jew Senator is a bad thing, of course. Just not something you see much in Arkansas, I guess, where they have good, Christian family values like Andy Griffith and whatnot. I wonder if Hendren knows Jesus was a Jew? Better not tell him – his head might explode. Jesus can tell him all about it come Judgment Day.

With the decision to not release the prisoner abuse photos, the revival of military commissions, the reluctance to prosecute torturers, and the removal of protections for polar bears and gray wolves, I’m experiencing a bit of déjà vu these days. I always thought it was a good thing that the Bushies were so stupid, or they could have been really dangerous. I hope the new boss isn’t just a smarter version of the old boss.

Speaking of the new boss, did anybody else find his comments at yesterday’s town hall meeting kind of condescending?

Now, this brings to the last principle, and so this touches on your point, and that is, why not do a single-payer system. (Applause.) Got the little single-payer advocates up here. (Applause.) All right.

Little single-payer advocates? Like, the cute little morons who just don’t understand how the big boys play? He did go on to say…

If I were starting a system from scratch, then I think that the idea of moving towards a single-payer system could very well make sense. That’s the kind of system that you have in most industrialized countries around the world.

But we just can’t have the audacity to hope for something like that in this country, I’m afraid – even if it “could very well make sense.” Or not. Oh, well, he still is supposedly going to insist on having a public component. Unless he changes his mind, of course (think, telecom immunity, torture photos, military commissions…).

Don’t worry, though, Dick Cheney isn’t running the White House again (honest). And Rush Limbaugh isn’t running the Republicans, either.

Speaking of brave American hero Rush Limbaugh – who has had the guts to take on tough foes like Parkinson’s patients, the spectacularly impotent Michael Steele, and a pilonidal cyst that kept him from killin’ gooks and winning the Vietnam War singlehandedly – has now found a new battle. He’s taking on John McCain’s 97-yr old mother. Go get her, Rush. Though I wouldn’t take any bets on you outliving her, you piece of shit brainwashed Nazi coward.

Oh well, I’m running late, here. Have a good Friday.